Online Giving

Welcome to myEoffering!

myEoffering has designed a secure, web-based platform in which donors may privately and prayerfully make one-time or recurring donations. Prayerful consideration of giving to God first enables you to witness a powerful sense of stewardship. You can customize your individual method of giving, based on choice and preference — whether it be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or semi-monthly. You may also choose which contributions you would like to make electronically — Sunday Offerings, Special Second Collection Offerings, Building Fund, Flower Fund etc. If you choose this service you will still receive your usual contribution envelope packet in the mail. Please note that the weekly “Pot-of-Gold” 50-50 raffle is not included as part of the on-line giving option.

If you would like to make a single donation, schedule ongoing contributions or change your level of giving, you can accomplish it all online. With, our online giving provider, you can give by using your checking account or credit card. This safe and convenient option is one of the easiest ways to support St. William. As well, it reduces cost for the church and is an environmentally responsible option.

Signing up is as simple as clicking on the “Donate Now” button to the right of this column.   The first time you use this link you will be able to register and create your personal account and within minutes set up your on-line donations. The steps are outlined on the printable document below for handy reference.  If you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to call the parish office at 330-847-8677 or email the

Clicking on this link will take you directly to the website where you can 1) set-up your membership account or 2) make a donation to St. William Parish.

Having a printed copy of the “printable step-by-step account set-up directions” is recommended.

Click Here for a copy

Scanning this QR code will take you to the members page for

St. William Church

5411 Mahoning Ave. NW
Warren, Ohio 44483

Parish Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday ~ 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Friday ~ Closed

Mass Schedule:

Saturday:     4:00 p.m.

Sunday:        10:30 a.m. 

Daily Mass:  Tuesday & Thursday ~ 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days:  Check bulletin for days and times