Parish School of Religion

As Catholics we are called to grow in our faith in a lifelong process beginning at birth and continuing through the end of life.  The Parish School of Religion provides many programs and activities both, formal and informal, which will enable all to grow in their faith and exercise their Christian discipleship in the world.  To inquire about any of the following Christian education programs and opportunities, please contact Carol Timko at or through the Parish Office. 

The  goal of the PSR (Parish School of Religion) program for children is  education in the Catholic Faith.  The PSR  program ministers to children grades one through eight.  Through formal catechesis, students will grow  in their knowledge and understanding of their Catholic Faith.

Family Faith Celebrations

Dates and Times TBA

PSR Registration

  • Classes will be filled as registrations are received.
  • Children should be registered in religious education in the grade they are attending in school.
  • Baptism Certificates are needed for those registering for Kindergarten and for children new to the program.

Tuition: $30 for one child/ $60 for family
We want everyone to participate in religious education. If the cost is a problem please contact:

  • Fr. Furlong, (330) 847-8677 or
  • Carol Timko at (330) 847-8677 or 

Safe Environment Mandate

This policy requires that adults and children be instructed about the causes, forms, symptoms of, and appropriate responses to abuse through age-appropriate learning objectives.  The adult curriculum will primarily consist of the VIRTUS program, including the initial training entitled “Protecting God’s Children,” as well as continuing education modules to be completed every five years.  The children’s curriculum is intended to supplement the information received in school in accord with the requirements of the State of Ohio.  The curricula of our Catholic schools and religious education programs shall contain learning objective intended to protect children from abuse, while also stressing the importance of personal health and development, and the teachings of the gospel with respect to human sexuality and morality.

PSR Parent/Student Handbooks

Handbooks are provided in print at the beginning of the school year.  Digital copies, provided here, are for reference throughout the year.

PSR Staff

Mrs. Carol Timko

Coordinator of Religious Education


5411 Mahoning Ave. NW
Warren, Ohio 44483

Parish Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday:  9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Friday:  Closed

Mass Schedule:

Saturday:     4:00 p.m.

Sunday:        10:30 a.m.

Daily Mass: Tues & Thurs 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days:   see bulletin